Bill Foss's Kurtis -- Page 2
"The VIN on registration is that of a 1952 Hudson Commodore inline 8.  The hole in the modified firewall appears to accommodate exactly this engine, set so far back and to the right that the glove box was altered to allow the engine to snug up to the inside of the dash."                                                                       

"The owner on the registration was a 19 year old who lived in LA and would have had very little money (now deceased), so I assume the car was bought or given to him in this condition. 

The plate is a 1956 black on yellow, not a 1947 black on yellow, which would have been the plate if registered in California in 1950.  Could have been an out of state car, a car raced and not registered, or they gave new plates every time some new owner registered a car."

"The sticker on the dash, attached, may be a clue.  Either a car club, or as it appears, a jalopy racing club.  The car does appear to have been set for circle track style racing, however, the aluminum body panels have never been hit, no dents whatsoever.  The would seem to indicate it was NOT jalopy raced."

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