Building Larry's "Desert
House" -- 12
One more highly visible wall to build
that faces the living room. It's double-sided too, and is
also visible on its less important far side. That side
faces a room that started
as the garage, but ended up being another bedroom.
First forms in place for the last major
Note the doorway. The 2x4 frame
pieces stayed in the wall as nailers for a later door installation. |
The last section of the wall formed
up and ready to pour.
We saved stones for this wall also, including
some of the largest and most spectacular. |
The last wall done. The large
black stone was the heaviest stone used in the entire house. It took
three men (Me, Larry, and Hal Newell) to lift and position it.
Note the wooden nailers now integral
with the doorway and ready for door installation. |
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