Building Larry's "Desert House" -- 8

We've built a lot of wall since the last page.  Larry decided he wanted to temporarily enclose the master bedroom area for storage & shelter for equipment, etc.  So we put up the beam and rafters over this room..

We bolted down "Mud sill" to provide nailing for the rafters.

The "Mud sill" was 3x12 planking similar to the 3x16 planks used elsewhere in the house.  (Note from 2022:  Larry & the late Vince Desmond bought the wood when the Santa Monica Pier was rebuilt after storm damage.  Vince's wood was used to build Jim Hunolt's beautiful home in Darwin.)

Also note the double rebar which ringed the house at the top of the walls.  The white pipe extending upward through the central wall is the toilet vent.

The first crossbeam in place.  My helper is sculptor Dennis Handy's son, Adam.

A very nice guy, and definitely built for the job.

The beam was secured by pre-placed bolts in the concrete walls.  These bolts had been tie-wired to the rebar inside the wall.

Once the beam was in place, I could cut & position the rafters.

The master bedroom space with the rafters finished.

It was very satisfying to get some wood up on this project after all the masonry work.

The rafters have "blocks" between them to maintain a consistent spacing.  With near 100 year old lumber warping wasn't expected, but with new lumber these blocks would also serve to prevent warpage.

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