Bob Sullivan -- Singer SM 1500 rolls at Torrey Pines  (1)

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(7-25-09)  From Peter McKercher:

"This was the ex-Lamoreaux car -- the fastest Singer on the West coast and certainly the most distinctively painted. The venue was the 4th running of the Torrey Pines road race. Bob Sullivan had the car for a couple of years, then resprayed it white (presumably due to this rollover), then passed it on to Earl Gandel."

(7-25-09)   From Earl Gandel:

"If that's the car Bob Sullivan bought from Lammy Lamoreaux, who was very successful in it, it's the car I then bought from Sullivan in '55 and drove until it was totalled out from under me by a Cadillac on Laurel Canyon in June '56. This roll would explain why the car was painted white by the time I got it!"

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