Lang Cooper Update!

Peter Brock, designer of the Cobra "Daytona", sent these photos & this info on his restoration of this famous and popular car.

"Just thought you’d like to see what the Lang-Cooper looks like today. Most of the actual restorative work was done by chassis specialist John “Granny” Collins with his son Graham and Kiwi body craftsman Simon Leach. The Lang’s new owner, Claude Nahum of Switzerland, discovered the car in Pat Ryan’s collection in Alabama, where it had resided for several years after it had been found on a scrapheap in Florida by famed race photog’ Bill Warner."

"J Warner had attempted to restore the Lang on his own but lacked the finances and fabrication skills to complete the car properly, so it was “completed” as a museum exhibit with no real thought of it ever racing again. Nahum, an avid vintage racer and collector of Shelby era cars thought differently. He bought the car and called the car’s original designer, Peter Brock, to ask if he’d restore the car back to it’s original configuration so it could be raced."

"Brock, knowing the car’s previous history, warned Nahum that it might “take months” to do the job, but the Swiss said he would be patient and hauled out his checkbook to start the process. In the end it took about a year and a half to complete the job and return the Lang to its original configuration. John Morton was the first to test it at Willow Springs on Jan 6, ’06. It may go the Monterey Historics in August of ‘06 with Mr. Nahum at last driving his dream car."
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