Photo Sales Information Page
Photo sales help to support this website.  Your webmaster has toiled for thousands of hours creating this site, and he'll keep "growing" it  whether it pays for itself or not -- but every photo sale helps!

I sell digital images and prints from my vintage photos from 1961-62. as well as my images from more recent racing events.

Prices are:   $70.00 for an 8x10,    $90.00 for an 8x12) ,  and $60.00 for a 5x7 print..

Other Print Sizes:

11x14     $90.00
12x18     $115.00
 16x20   $170.00
 16x24   $200.00
Larger Sizes:   By Arrangement

 I sell digital images of my photos for $150.00 each!  

If you're interested in buying prints or digital images -- Please email me!

Dan Gurney in the Arceiro Bros. Lotus Mk.19 at Laguna Seca, Oct. 22, 1961.
The original Cobra Prototype at Riverside, March 3, 1962.
Bob Edmison in the Mercedes- Corvette at Pomona  July 9, 1961.
If you'd lke to use one (or more!) of my photos in a book or a magazine article, I can provide you with a high-resolution digital image.  Price by arrangement.   Please email me!
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