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Gallery 2A

For the two or three people in the world who care about and pay attention to these things, I decided that Gallery #2 was too big and also gave short shrift to Group 2B, one of my favorite classes.  So I moved the Pre-War groups, 1B and 1A, over here.

To comment on these pages or to correct errors:  Please email me!

(9-9-15  1:30 PM)   Created new Gallery for Pre-War Groups 1A & 1B.  All thumbnail links below are "live"!

Group 1B  Pace Lap -- AM Qualifying RacePaddins Dowling -- 1939 Maserati 4CL / Erickson Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3)  (1)Steve Walker -- 1935 FN BMW 315 Wilis Special / Jamie Cleary -- 1932 Studebaker IndyPaddins Dowling -- 1939 Maserati 4CL / Erickson Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3)  (2)
Stephen Curtis -- 1934 ERA R2A / Paddins Dowling -- 1939 Maserati 4CLPaddins Dowling -- 1939 Maserati 4CL / Jon Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3)Jon Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3) / Peter Giddings -- 1932 Alfa Romeo Monza Group 1B Pace Lap -- PM Final
Paddins Dowling -- 1939 Maserati 4CL / Jon Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3)Steve Walker -- 1935 FN BMW 315 Willis Special / Daniel Ghose -- 1933 MaseratiPeter Giddings -- 1932 Alfa Romeo Monza Max Jamiesson -- 1935 Ford Sprint Car
Jamie Cleary -- 1932 Studebaker Indy / Jeff Tamkin -- 1955 Sunbeam Alpine TalbotPaddins Dowling -- 1939 Maserati 4CLErickson Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3)Stephen Curtis -- 1934 ERA R2A
Nathanael B. Greene -- 1925 Bugatti Type 35  (1)Peter Giddings -- 1932 Alfa Romeo Monza  / Jamie Cleary -- 1932 Studebaker Indy  (1)Peter Giddings -- 1932 Alfa Romeo Monza / Jamie Cleary -- 1932 Studebaker Indy  (2) Jon Shirley -- 1934 Alfa Romeo Tipo B (P3) / Jamie Cleary -- 1932 Studebaker Indy
Timothy Mullin -- 1946 Delage D6????? -- Bugatti (# obscured)Nathanael B. Greene -- 1925 Bugatti Type 35  (2)Joey Bojalad -- 1930 Bugatti Type 35B GP
Jeff Tamkin -- 1955 Sunbeam Alpine TalbotConrad Stevenson -- 1939 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500Jim Putnam -- 1912 Packard 30Bruce Hudkins -- 1922 Ford Model T Speedster / Richard Morrison -- 1939 Lagonda V12
Conrad Stevenson -- 1939 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 / Joe Harding -- 1939 Lagonda V12 LeMansDick DeLuna -- 1917 Hall-Scott The Four -A-7A / George Wingard -- 1922 Delage La TorpilieGeorge Wingard -- 1922 Delage La Torpilie / Brody Blain -- 1911 National 40Brody Blain -- 1911 National 40 / Bruce McCaw -- 1933 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750
Brody Blain -- 1911 National 40 / Shaun Halverson-McLanahan -- 1930 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran SportBrody Blain -- 1911 National 40 / Eric Ramos -- 1916 National ACBruce Hudkins -- 1922 Ford Model T SpeedsterPete Thelander -- 1934 MG NE / Ed Archer -- 1915 Ford Roadster
Ed Archer -- 1915 Ford Roadster /  Luca Maciucescu / 1934 Ford Granite State SpecialEd Archer -- 1915 Ford Roadster  (On Access Road)