Bill Pollack: Kurtis
500X-Buick -- Santa Barbara Airport, May 19, 1957
This one took some research. Contributor
Bill Tibbetts ID'd the Kurtis-Buick's driver at Santa Barbara on May 18-19,
1957 as Bill Stroppe, who was a possibility, but your webmaster wasn't
sure as the car was usually driven by Bill Murphy.
A quick check yielded the fact that Murphy
wore a very different-looking
white helmet.
"MotoRacing" Volume 2 #16 was the
next resource to search. It yielded the results for both days of
the Santa Barbara event. It was Bill POLLACK, not Bill Stroppe or
Bill Murphy, who drove the Kurtis-Buick at Santa Barbara on May 18-19,
1957. Pollack finished 12th in the rain on Saturday, one place behind
Phil Hill in another overpowered car unsuited to a wet race, John
Edgar's 4.9 Ferrari.
On Sunday, Pollack fought his way into
the lead on lap 11 and led through lap 17, catching and passing Hill in
the big Ferrari and eventual winner Eric Hauser
in Old Yeller I. On lap 17 Pollack burned a piston and DNF'd.
Next: Bill
Pollack -- HWM-Chevrolet
Back to: Phil
Hill -- Ferrari 860 Monza
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