Stan Sugarman/Jim Connor -- Ferrari 625TRC-Corvette

Arizonans Sugarman and Connor campaigned this ex-John von Neumann car in 1961.
Behind the #48 Sugarman car is #53, Pat Bryan's ex-Tony Parravano Ferrari Monza.

This photo must have been shot at the May 27-28, 1961 Santa Barbara event. 

The sharp-eyed will notice Old Yeller III in the background (the yellow car just right of center at the top of the photo).

Michael Callaham races the ex-Sugarman car in California historic events today.

(10-15-09)   Andy Dziedzic from Berlin adds this info:

"Again this is Jim Connor in Stan Sugarman's Chevy Ferrari 625 TRC (0680 MDTR).  He didn't finish in the main event at Santa Barbara on May 29th, 1960.  Bob Drake won in a Birdcage, followed by Bill Krause in a Chevy D-Type and the famous yellow car in the background, Max Balchowsky in his Old Yaller III."

(10-21-09)   More from Andy Dziedzic:

"Ok, this is Connor's Corvette engined Ferrari TRC (0680 MDTR) and he didn't finish in the main event on May 28th, 1961.  Just behind you can see Pat Bryan in the 750 Monza (0538 M), who finished in 22nd position. Bob Drake took the checker after 23:02.6 minutes averaging 98.8 mph in Balchowsky's Ol'Yaller III."

(11-8-09)   From Gary Jarlson:

"That is indeed Santa Barbara in May, 1961. I know because that's me  half hanging out of the red MG in the background. Besides a great race between Drake and Krause, those who were there will also remember the WWII aircraft that blew its engine shortly after takeoff and appeared destined to be coming down in the middle of the paddock. The pilot, however, managed to land on an adjacent runway."

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