Ricardo Rodriguez
The handsome 15 year old before winning the Under 1500cc. event at Riverside on Sept. 22, 1957.

Ricardo wears a t-shirt with the logo of Gus Vignolle's "MotoRacing" magazine.  Vignolle was instrumental in advancing the Rodriguez brothers' racing careers.

In 1961 Ricardo returned to Riverside to drive a N.A.R.T. Ferrari Testa Rossa in the "L.A. Times Grand Prix". 

(Lester Nehamkin photo from the Joe  Playan Collection)

A star is born.   Tired and sweaty, 15 year old Ricardo had just beaten Bob Drake, Jack McAfee, Joe Playan, and other top SoCal small modified car drivers.

(Lester Nehamkin photo from the Joe Playan Collection)

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