"Sonoma Speed Festival" did an interesting thing: They split the
Pre-War cars into two groups. The "Fast" Pre-War cars ran in
Group #8, and the slower, earlier, often two-man cars ran in an
exhibition class called "Ragtime Cars". The speed differential
between the two groups is extreme: It reminds me of a time
decades ago when I was bombing north on Hwy 1 south of Carmel, and came
upon a horse-drawn Amish buggy clopping along at walking pace.
Somehow, I got safely around.
Today's Group #8 cars are fast, well-sorted racing machines. I don't think Zaremba's tires on
his Railton are 1935 spec
Zaremba finished 7th in the
Group #8 final, McCabe finished 3rd in his ERA. #31, Luca Maciucescu, finished 8th in his
1928 Bugatti T37A, and Chris MacAllister finished 2nd in his
green ERA.