Scary Moment (1) at the 2012 Sonoma Historic Motorsports Festival

Peter Greenfield led the Group 8 event in his 1935 Alfa Romeo 8C-35.  In the esses he came up to lap Bill Lyon in his 1927 Bugatti T-35B and John Kerr in his 1932 Miller-Scofield/Ford.  The cars were three-wide for a moment, and Greenfield bumped wheels with one of the others.  I couldn't say which.

The big Alfa spun in a blinding cloud of dust and Lyon and Kerr squeaked past, but David Duthu was fast approaching in his 1950 Talbot T26C.

It looked like a dangerous accident was about to happen.  But Greenfield reversed the Alfa the necessary few feet and Duthu dodged to the left, and breath came a little easier.

Comments?   Please email me!

(1)  Greenfield prepares to lap Lyon.
(2)  Lyon signals Greenfield to pass on the left.
(3)  Greenfield bumped wheels with either Lyon or John Kerr in #32.
(4)  Lyon and Kerr dodge past Greenfield.
(5)  Duthu arrives at the incident scene.
(6)  Duthu slows while Greenfield backs up the Alfa.
(7)  Pucker-factor going up.
(8)  Will Duthu get by?
(9)  Whew!
(10)  Breathing easier now.
(11)  Greenfield looks up-course.
(12)  Greenfield watches 2nd place runner and race  winner Paddins Dowling go by.

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