Jack Nethercutt's Ferrari
Before he acquired the
Mk.19, Nethercutt drove a series of Ferraris. This car started
life as a standard 2-liter 500TRC #0708, then it received the 2.5 engine
from John Von Neumann's 625TRC #0672.
Jim Larkin in the "Reynolds Wrap Special"
leads Nethercutt in his Ferrari 500TRC #0708, when and at which track I
can't say. Note hood bulges; they indicate that the car was equipped
with the 2.5 liter engine from #0672 in this photo. |
John McCann sent me this photo of Nethercutt
in #0708 at Hourglass Field, north of San Diego. Note lack of hood
bulges shown above in this shot. This, plus the class "E" notation,
shows that the car was a 2-liter at this time.
Nethercutt sold his 2.0 engine to J.P.
Kunstle who installed it into his Lotus XV “Ferrotus” #619 FPF 1102.
Parsons later drove the "Ferrotus" with some success.
A similar shot by Pete Vanlaw shows
Nethercutt in #0708 in the pit lane at Santa Barbara in 1958. I wonder
what color the car really was? |